Tech Reporter (Remote / Telecommute)

Tech Reporter (Remote / Telecommute)

 Disclaimer: This blog is not held responsible for any scams or illegal recruitment. The posts are found from the links/ jobs search. Its only aim is to help job seekers.


 Tech Reporter (Remote / Telecommute)

 compensation: Depends on quality and experience
employment type: contract 
non-profit organization 
telecommuting okay

Startup news syndicator is looking for good, reliable, and capable reporter to cover everything technology
Candidates should have solid writing and editing skills, a strong sensibility for entertainment news, and the desire to "commit journalism".

This is an entry level part-time position to start, Up to 20 hours weekly with full time potential.

The ideal candidate is a professional self-starter who is hungry to break news and ready to pitch and report stories that are original and newsworthy.

We are looking for a reporter that wants to do quality journalism. You should have the ability to write shorter focused stories on tight deadline is a must. Long term potential and advancement for quality journalists.

Send your news samples, CV and requested compensation.


Email to apply here
